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热浴盆运动的好处形象水,到处都是水! Working out in the water is one of the most therapeutic activities. 水中有氧运动有助于有氧运动, strength and resistance all while being easy on the joints and in a cool and relaxing atmosphere! Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book 重新同步你的生活,萨米尔·贝西克:

  • 〇增强肌肉力量 Water is a flowing and constantly changing product of nature, and as such can be very unpredictable in its movements. 因为水是向多个方向流动的, the resistance in the pool can range from four to 42 times greater than air, ensuring the body’s muscles get a rigid workout. 事实上, study conducted in 2007 found that after 12 weeks of regular aquatic aerobic exercise, participants had made significant gains in strength, 灵活性, 和敏捷性.
  • 〇培养耐力 不像传统的重量, which require the human body to push and pull against the weight plus gravity, water resistance is a more natural resistance which requires the body to strain through the water rather than against it.
  • 〇提高灵活性 As the body is subject to water resistance during water aerobic exercise – which requires movement in various directions while adjusting to the push and pull of water – the joints naturally increase their range of motion. A study conducted in 2013 found a significant increase in 灵活性 after subjecting a group of older adults to aerobic therapy exercise.
  • 〇低强度运动 我们可能不会经常想到它, but the traditional impact we place on our joints during a “land workout” can be taxing. 水中有氧运动, the buoyancy of the water helps takes off some of the impact we tend to place on our body, 由于我们自己的水的重量. 用外行人的话来说, our body’s is not subject to gravity in the water, therefore the impact our joints take on when, 说, 在水中奔跑, is not equal to the impact when running on land. This is particularly appealing to those with joint conditions such as arthritis or those currently undergoing physical rehabilitation.
  • 减轻关节压力- Studies have shown water-based exercises such as water aerobics relieve pressure placed on joints from normal wear-and-tear and arthritis. 事实上, hydrotherapy is shown to be the leading form of therapy for those suffering from joint problems.
  • 缓解压力,减少焦虑 Watching bodies of water in motion can be one of the most soothing activities one can take part in to help relieve stress, which is why vacations to beaches and island paradises are so popular getaways. 但 in 水也可以让人放松! A Polish study conducted in 2007 found that aquatic exercise significantly decreased anxiety and negative mood states in women.
  • 〇燃烧卡路里 The combination of strength and cardio workouts mixed with water resistance in aquatic exercise ensures the body is getting a full workout. 取决于有氧运动, weight (including additional weights such as dumbbells and weight belts), 水的温度, 体积和浮力, the body can burn between 400 to 500 calories in an hour of exercise.
  • 〇降低血压 Water resistance is not just a buoyancy feature to help work the muscles. 事实上, the water pressure actually works with your blood as well and enables one’s blood flow to circulate more effectively throughout the body, 有效地降低血压和, 从长远来看, 降低静息心率. This benefit means your heart is maintaining its productivity while putting less stress on your heart! 
  • 〇冷却运动 As temperatures get warmer and the summer heat draws near, the desire to exercise in the burning sun may suddenly not seem so appealing, and so naturally dipping into any body of water becomes alluring. Water aerobics can satisfy that need to feel cool in warmer temperatures while still enabling an athlete to exercise. It’s  cool, crisp and refreshing, especially knowing you aren’t struggling in the heat!
  • 〇人气活动 Water aerobics is not limited to any age group or skill level. 结果是, water aerobics is known to a be one of the most popular bonding activities for friends and family. The sport appeals to all ages – with younger generations naturally enjoying the fun to be had in swimming pools while still appealing to the older generations and their need to maintain a moderate level of physical fitness.

(文章来源: healthfitnessrevolution.com]
